FITTED | Joy McCarthy

Our latest edition of FITTED features the lovely Joy McCarthy, founder of Joyous Health and authour of the popular book Joyous Health: Eat & Live Well Without Dieting. To compliment her holistic nutrition brand, Joy is a professional speaker, teacher, yoga instructor and proud mom. Joy believes in feeling good and looking good, which is why she was happy to check the latest denim & fashion selection at our store. While being styled in a great new outfit, Joy opened up about her life in a family business as well as what she loves about fashion.

What inspired you get into the health & wellness industry? How do you feel your approach is unique from the others?
I suffered from health issues in my late teens and early twenties mainly with hormonal imbalance, and I was not getting better despite taking medications. When I approached my health from a natural perspective is when my life transformed. I healed my body and felt amazing. This inspired me to eventually leave my full-time marketing job and go back to school to study nutrition. I knew that if I could heal my own body I could help others experience Joyous Health. Traditional healing methods have been around for hundreds of years and use both whole foods and high quality supplements. Everyone has the ability to feel amazing if they provide their body with the right foods combined with a healthy lifestyle. Part of what makes me unique is my ability to set realistic and attainable goals that inspire people to eat well and take better care of themselves.

As an author, TV personality, and have an active website, what is your favourite media and why? How do they all fit into building the Joyous Health brand?
I absolutely love writing and doing TV segments because I see it as an opportunity to inspire a large audience and have that spark go off. If I reach one person or 1000, it’s all the same to me. I’m always thrilled when someone makes a recipe of mine, or decided to do one of my digital detox weekends. Every little positive change matters. My favourite media overall is social media because pretty much everyone has access to it. I love sharing my passion for healthy food and my love for my family on Instagram. I think the world needs more joy and happiness and it is my goal to bring as much Joyous Health to people’s lives as I can.

You work closely with your husband on Joyous Health. What is your secret for balancing a mom/wife/businesswoman lifestyle?
Some days I don’t feel balanced and other days I feel like “I got this”. I don’t beat myself up about it if I miss a workout, but I constantly energize by always nourishing my body and my family well. Nutrition is a priority in our home, along with getting outside. Every single day I go for a walk in the park with my daughter Vienna, which manages my stress levels and is an instant mood booster. Being connected and affectionate with my family keeps me very grounded. My husband Walker is my best friend and my business partner. He quit his corporate job to join me full time in 2013, which has allowed our business grow significantly! Joyous Health would not be where it is today without my husband.

How would you describe your personal clothing style?
I love being comfortable, but not like I’m going to the gym! My go-to outfits are fitted jeans with a little stretch, a nice blouse, a pair of kitten heels or booties, my favourite necklace and a bright punch of colour on my lips. I also love getting dressed up, which hasn’t happened lately since becoming a mom. I am definitely working on changing that!

What is the one “must have” piece in your wardrobe?
A great pair of jeans.

What did you think of your one-on-one fitting at Over the Rainbow? How do you feel about the products & services we offer?
I loved it! Genia and the Over the Rainbow team were bang-on with every outfit she brought to me. Denim shopping is something I don’t usually look forward to but the first pair she brought me were a perfect fit! I was very impressed because that never happens.

Stay tuned for more FITTED interviews featuring one-one-one styling & profiles with some of your favourite Toronto personalities. Make sure to follow Joy McCarthy at @JoyousHealth